Turkey's Erdogan criticises U.S. crackdown on college protests


Published May 02, 2024 09:45AM ET

ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan waded into the debate over U.S. college campus protests on Thursday, saying authorities were displaying "cruelty" in clamping down on pro-Palestinian students and academics.

Demonstrations have spread on campuses across the United States over Israel's conduct of the war in Gaza, prompting police crackdowns and arrests at some venues such as Columbia University in New York.

"Conscientious students and academics including anti-Zionist Jews at some prestigious American universities are protesting the massacre (in Gaza)," Erdogan told an event in Ankara.

"These people are being subjected to violence, cruelty, suffering, and even torture for saying the massacre has to stop," he said, adding that university staff were being "sacked and lynched" for supporting the Palestinians.

Turkey, a NATO ally of the United States, has sharply criticised Israel's assault on Gaza and what it calls the unconditional support it receives from Western countries.

The U.S. is a top supplier of military aid to Israel and has shielded the country from critical United Nations votes.