ISS backs election of Langer to replace former Biogen director Denner


Published Jun 15, 2023 02:32PM ET

By Svea Herbst-Bayliss

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Proxy advisory firm Institutional Shareholder Services on Thursday recommended that Biogen (O:BIIB) shareholders elect Susan Langer to replace long-standing director Alex Denner, who abruptly left the board earlier this week.

Biogen said Langer, a former corporate strategy chief at the biotech company, would stand for election to replace Denner.

ISS issued its recommendation after the unexpected announcement on Monday that three directors -- Denner, William Jones and Richard Mulligan -- would not stand for reelection. The company named only one new director candidate as the other seats would not be filled.

Biogen's annual meeting on Thursday was convened but then adjourned until June 26 to give shareholders more time to consider the revised slate.

Langer, 32, has served in a variety of roles at the company from 2013 to 2019. She is the daughter of Bob Langer, who co-founded vaccine maker Moderna (NASDAQ:MRNA).

If elected she would be the youngest director, with five of the eight other directors in their 60s.