Google urges judge hearing U.S. antitrust lawsuit to reject sanctions request


Published Mar 24, 2022 12:52PM ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Alphabet (NASDAQ:GOOGL)'s Google urged a judge hearing a U.S. antitrust case against it to reject the Justice Department's request that it be sanctioned, saying it had not abused attorney-client privilege.

The department had asked Judge Amit Mehta to sanction Google, saying the company's "Communicate with Care" program was sometimes a "game" to shield communications that did not genuinely fall under attorney-client privilege.

In a filing dated Thursday, Google said that "allegations of sanctionable misconduct are baseless" and a misreading of a small number of slides used to train employees.

Google also said it was conferring with the government on which emails that are indicated as potentially falling under attorney-client privilege genuinely do. It said it had given the government some of the affected documents.