GM still struggling to build EVs, sees margin growth ahead for Cruise-CFO


Published Aug 09, 2023 10:40AM ET

(Reuters) - General Motors (NYSE:GM) is still struggling to ramp up production of electric vehicles, a top executive said on Wednesday.

Speaking at a J.P. Morgan investor conference, GM Chief Financial Officer Paul Jacobson said the automaker's electric vehicles, from Cadillac Lyriq SUVs to BrightDrop vans, had been affected by an issue with assembling battery modules - a stumbling block first noted last week by Chief Executive Mary Barra.

Jacobson said GM had built more than 1,000 Lyriqs in July -- still well below the company's initial expectations.

GM in early 2022 said it expected to build 25,000 Lyriqs at the company's Spring Hill, Tennessee, plant last year, but fell far short of that target. In the first six months this year, GM delivered fewer than 2,400 Lyriqs to customers, as it struggled with batteries and other issues.