Ukraine receives new EU funds, sees three more tranches in 2024


Published Apr 24, 2024 08:17AM ET

KYIV (Reuters) - Ukraine received a new 1.5-billion-euro ($1.6 billion) tranche of financial support from the European Union on Wednesday and hopes to get another 10 billion euros later this year, officials said.

Finance Minister Serhiy Marchenko said the EU, which has provided Ukraine with 31 billion euros, had become the biggest donor of budget financing to Ukraine since the start of Russia's invasion in February 2022.

The United States, which has approved billions of dollars in a new aid package to Ukraine, is also an important donor.

"International support is a key to ensure macroeconomic stability and build a foundation for economic growth," Marchenko said.

Ukraine faces a $37 billion budget deficit this year and relies heavily on financial aid from its Western partners to be able to finance its social and humanitarian spending.

Kyiv uses most of its state revenues to fund defence efforts as its troops fight a larger and better equipped Russian army.

First Deputy Prime Minister Yulia Svyrydenko said the government looked forward to final approval of the EU's Ukraine Facility lending program worth 50 billion euros and hoped to receive three more tranches this year.

"In fact, we are one step away from the launch of the program and full regular funding under the program," said Svyrydenko.

She said that following the final approval, Kyiv would be able to receive 1.89 billion euros in June and two more tranches worth about 4 billion euros in September and November.

Ukraine will have to implement a number of reforms and meet other program indicators to be able to unlock the tranches.