Fed's Barkin: "That's a quite strong jobs report"


Published Apr 05, 2024 10:36AM ET

(Reuters) - Richmond Federal Reserve Bank President Thomas Barkin on Friday said the unexpected surge in employment in March and drop in the unemployment rate made for a "quite strong jobs report."

"Unemployment is at 3.8%. It's been 26 months in a row with unemployment below 4%," Barkin said at an event in Maryland. "That's the first time that's happened since the late '60s. So the job market is very strong."

Barkin said companies are reluctant to layoff workers even with consumption showing signs of moderating because the experience of the ultra-tight job market in the early months of the pandemic remain fresh in employers' minds.

Shortly before Barkin spoke, the Labor Department had reported that a greater-than-expected 303,000 jobs had been created in March - the most since last May - and that the unemployment rate had dropped to 3.8% from 3.9%.