Congressional Budget Office to issue debt limit, budget forecasts on Feb. 15


Published Jan 25, 2023 06:30PM ET

By David Lawder

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) said on Wednesday that it plans to release its 2023 baseline budget and economic forecast on Feb. 15, along with a special report on the federal debt limit situation.

The non-partisan CBO said the debt limit report, part of a recurring series during debt limit standoffs in Congress, will describe "the current debt situation and CBO's expectation about when the Treasury will no longer be able to pay its obligations fully if the debt limit is not raised."

The agency annually provides the baseline fiscal forecast based on current tax and spending laws and its assessment of current economic conditions to kick off Congress' budgeting and appropriations processes.

Republicans who now control the U.S. House of Representatives are demanding that President Joe Biden's administration negotiate spending cuts in exchange for a debt limit increase, but divisions are starting to emerge between the party's hard-liners and moderates over how aggressive their demands should be as a threat of default looms later this year.