Argentina's Milei sees 'second chance' for pared back reform bill


Published Apr 10, 2024 02:33PM ET

BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentina's government has circulated a pared back version of its sprawling omnibus reform bill to lawmakers and governors after Congress rejected it earlier this year, a spokesperson for President Javier Milei said on Wednesday.

The bill, which includes plans to privatize state entities and measures to allow reductions in state subsidies, is a key part of Milei's plan to fix a severe economic crisis in which inflation is over 275% and net foreign reserves near zero.

The economist and former pundit, who had a shock election win last year and only has a minority in Congress, has been forced to compromise with potential political allies on the bill after it was rejected in February.

"Today we find ourselves with a second chance," presidential spokesman Manuel Adorni told reporters, adding the new draft of the bill was circulated late on Tuesday. The government was confident it would win support, he said.

The bill is expected to go back to congressional committees as early as next week before a new round of voting. It eventually needs approval by both chambers of the legislature.

The process underscores that Milei's government is having to take a more conciliatory approach to reforms as the opposition Peronist bloc still holds the largest number of seats in Congress.