The SEC should be aiming at Do Kwon — But it’s getting distracted by Kim Kardashian


Published Oct 14, 2022 03:46PM ET

Updated Oct 14, 2022 05:20PM ET

In less than a week, Terraform Labs founder Do Kwon’s passport will expire. Interpol issued a red notice for Kwon last month, and this month, his assets were reportedly frozen by the South Korean government.

Kwon has been tweeting freely in response — and almost always denies the reports. “I don’t know whose funds they’ve frozen, but good for them, hope they use it for good,” he wrote in one message. Playing a game of cat and mouse with both the authorities and the public, Kwon seems to be living a life of freedom while enjoying his internet access.

Zac Colbert is a digital marketer by day and a freelance writer by night. He’s been covering digital culture since 2007.

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