Shanghai Man: Inside Blockchain Week’s private parties, Vitalik’s speech, and climbs the ranks


Published Oct 28, 2021 08:20PM ET

Updated Oct 29, 2021 09:20PM ET

This weekly roundup of news from Mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong attempts to curate the industrys most important news, including influential projects, changes in the regulatory landscape, and enterprise blockchain integrations.

This week, Wanxiang Blockchain hosted its annual Shanghai Blockchain Week, an event that usually brings together the government, enterprise, academic and degen side of the industry for a big celebration of how far decentralized technology has come.

Vitalik giving his thoughts on the need to keep improving infrastructure
h4 Playing hard to get/h4
This event required a very exclusive invitation to attend, with organizers sworn to secrecy
China’s leading NFT and gaming DAO held an exclusive meetup
h4 Ranking the exchanges/h4 h4 Spilling into Hong Kong/h4

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