Shanghai Man: China’s version of McJob meme, eCNY airdrops, Canaan’s record revenue


Published Sep 16, 2021 08:59PM ET

Updated Sep 16, 2021 09:20PM ET

This weekly roundup of news from Mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong attempts to curate the industrys most important news, including influential projects, changes in the regulatory landscape, and enterprise blockchain integrations.

h4 Regulatory noise/h4

In this weeks column, the Man in Shanghai is determined to squeeze all of the regulatory noise into one section, so as not to waste too much of your time. Lets begin.

h4 Selling shovels in a gold rush/h4 h4 Rounding up the trading space/h4 h4 Unleashing the eCNY/h4
The wallet interface is minimalist and allows users to convert, deposit, and transfer the eCNY
Meituan’s iconic delivery drivers are the source of many crypto-related memes during a market crash.

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