Shanghai Man: Billionaire buys CryptoPunks, Arbitrum finds traction, markets ignore warnings


Published Sep 02, 2021 09:02PM ET

Updated Sep 02, 2021 09:20PM ET

This weekly roundup of news from Mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong attempts to curate the industrys most important news, including influential projects, changes in the regulatory landscape, and enterprise blockchain integrations.

There are a lot of narratives to keep an eye on as China enjoyed a relatively quiet week on the regulatory front and markets rebounded. Layer-two networks continued to make headlines with their large war chests of funds to invest. Avalanche and Arbitrum are two networks that have growing awareness in China. Both were in the news this week with Avalanches $180 million fund being announced and Arbitrums launch on September 1.

h4 Punks in Asia/h4
Punk #1970 is now owned and displayed in the Start-Art NFT Gallery in Hong Kong
h4 BSN breaking new turf/h4 h4 Like a good neighbor, eCNY is there/h4 h4 Blockchain meets TradFi/h4 h4 In case you forgot/h4

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