Our Man in Shanghai: Huobi to become Grayscale of Asia, Yao Ming’s NFT wine and more ...


Published Apr 29, 2021 08:11PM ET

Updated Apr 30, 2021 10:20PM ET

This weekly roundup of news from Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong attempts to curate the industry’s most important news, including influential projects, changes in the regulatory landscape, and enterprise blockchain integrations.

Huobi Asset Management is looking to be the Grayscale of Asia with the launch of four cryptocurrency-related tracker funds. The funds include a Bitcoin Fund, an Ethereum fund, a multi-asset basket of digital currencies, and a private equity fund for mining businesses. The aim is clearly to entice major institutional investors into the space with a product that feels familiar. The fund and asset management company is set up in Hong Kong, even though Huobi maintains several offices within the mainland. Huobi is China’s most established exchange and ranks second on the global liquidity rankings behind Binance.

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Source: OpenSea
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