North Korea Supplied Weapons Program with Crypto Hacks


Published Aug 06, 2019 10:32AM ET

Updated Aug 06, 2019 11:41AM ET

North Korea Supplied Weapons Program with Crypto Hacks

North Korea received another confirmation on previous discoveries that it is one of the biggest crypto hackers around. The UN has discovered its findings that the country has managed to steal as much as $2 billion in funds, used to fuel its nuclear rocket program.

North Korean hackers are using increasingly sophisticated and untraceable attacks against banks and crypto exchanges, in the end managing to run away with the funds, reported Deutche Welle. The reports on the hacks arrive days before the UN convenes a security council on North Korea to discuss recent rocket tests.

“The industry knows the architecture of North Korean cyber activities quite well and the DPRK generally doesn't try that hard to...