How to control the AIs and incentivize the humans with crypto


Published May 02, 2023 09:30AM ET

Updated May 02, 2023 08:40PM ET

Text generator ChatGPT is the fastest-growing consumer app ever, and its still growing rapidly.

But the dirty secret of AI is that humans are still needed to create, label and structure training data and training data is very expensive. The dark side of this is that an exponential feedback loop is being created where AI is a surveillance technology. And so, managing the humans in the AI loop is crucial.

Ben Goertzel and his robot Desdemona (How to prevent AI from annihilating humanity using blockchain)
ChatGPT 4 hasnt been updated recently enough to tell us what Goertzel thinks in the past three weeks. But if it had, it could. (GPT-4 via
De Kai: harbours concerns, but see solutions (TEDx)

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