20,000 New Bitcoin ATMs Installed in 2021 


Published Dec 31, 2021 03:00AM ET

Updated Dec 31, 2021 03:30AM ET

20,000 New Bitcoin ATMs Installed in 2021 

The demand for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin continues to grow, so does the number of Bitcoin ATMs on the streets. Basic transactions and easy currency conversion that ATMs offer facilitate the transition from fiat money to cryptocurrencies.

Almost 20,000 Bitcoin ATMs were installed in 2021, which is an average of 50 a day. This totals up to 34,000 worldwide, with the U.S. having a majority of 30,123, Canada is the second with 2,216 ATM, and El Salvador third with 205 inside its territory.

While currently trading below $50,000, Bitcoin’s price has increased more than 65% in the last 12 months.

On the Flipside

  • Bitcoin ATMs might have higher transaction fees compared to online crypto platforms such as Binance or Coinbase (NASDAQ:COIN).
  • Technical problems are common with ATMs.

Why You Should Care

Bitcoin ATMs can be found on every continent for easy money exchange.


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