Keystone XL Decision Likely Delayed Until 2015

International Business Times

Published Aug 12, 2014 12:23PM ET

Updated Aug 12, 2014 12:45PM ET

Keystone XL Decision Likely Delayed Until 2015

By Maria Gallucci - A final decision on the Keystone XL pipeline now seems unlikely until at least 2015, extending the bitter controversy over the Canada-to-Texas project into its seventh year. The timing for President Barack Obama's verdict largely hinges on a Nebraska Supreme Court ruling over the pipeline’s proposed path in the state, lawyers and activists told Reuters.

The state court is to hear oral arguments on Sept. 5 from landowners who oppose the proposed 300-mile route and state officials who support it. But a final ruling probably won’t be delivered until the new year. "These things typically take three to six months," Jane Kleeb of the group Bold Nebraska, which is leading the landowner opposition to the pipeline, told Reuters. "We have always thought the decision will come in January."

The Obama administration, which has the final say on the entire 1,179-mile project since it crosses an international boundary, said in April that it might await the Nebraska decision before rejecting or approving a presidential permit for the Keystone XL. If the court rules against the state, that would send the pipeline’s builder, TransCanada Corp. NYSE:TRP, and Nebraska regulators back to the drawing board, delaying construction even further.

It also means that while the Keystone XL controversy is likely to come up in several congressional campaigns, the outcome will remain in limbo past the U.S. midterm elections on Nov. 5, Reuters noted.

If built, the Keystone XL would carry 830,000 barrels of oil a day from western Canada’s oil sands region down to Steele City, Nebraska, where it would connect with an existing southern leg that runs to refineries on the Texas Gulf Coast.