European states sign pledge to protect North Sea infrastructure


Published Apr 08, 2024 10:01PM ET

Updated Apr 09, 2024 05:06AM ET

By Sudip Kar-Gupta

LONDON (Reuters) - Britain and other major European countries with maritime borders on the North Sea on Tuesday signed an agreement to work together to protect underwater infrastructure, including from possible Russian attacks.

The six countries involved - Belgium, Britain, Denmark, Germany, Norway and the Netherlands - signed a joint declaration they said would allow them to share information.

Threats to undersea cables and pipelines have become a security focus for Western European countries following the September 2022 explosions on the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines, built to ship gas from Russia to Germany across the Baltic Sea.

In May 2023, NATO had said Russia may sabotage undersea cables to punish Western nations for supporting Ukraine, while global security risks have risen further following the Gaza war.