Adapting To Rapidly Changing Markets

 | Apr 01, 2020 09:46AM ET

The required skill level to prosper trading is treading light-footed. This is only possible with confidence. Confidence comes from a knowing. Knowing settles in after a long time of experience. However any professional can get shaken up, hence the saying “when in doubt stay out”. Moves to the downside are vastly shorter in time than long legs. It takes less time to destroy something than building it. Fear is more forceful than greed in the short term. Consequently, when markets change and are going down it requires a speedy learning process. As a professional trader one needs to adapt fast. This means little sleep in market crash times and many hours behind the screen for backtesting and analyzing markets. In other words, when markets truly change one better hit the ground running. Otherwise, you snooze you lose.

As a market speculator one can not afford to take a break or sit out a market crash without a steep learning curve. The main goal is a consistent equity curve. You can’t just go into cash if, for example, this new situation might render cash worthless due to a possibility of hyperinflation. This sport requires one to be consistently on top of things. Let us share a finding that might be worth your time.

h3 Time is of the essence/h3 h3 S&P 500 Monthly Chart, Prices Tumble Faster:/h3