Where Are The Facebook Bodies Buried?

 | Jan 27, 2014 06:49AM ET

Way back on July 19, 2012, I told readers to avoid Facebook’s (FB) stock “like the plague.”

Apparently, I was on to something.

Now, I’m not talking about the fact that – within weeks of my stern warning – shares dropped 40% to hit an all-time low.

I’m talking about the latest research out of Princeton , which went viral last week.

“Ideas, like diseases,” wrote John Cannarella and Joshua A. Spechler, “have been shown to spread infectiously between people before eventually dying out.”

Or, more simply, infectious diseases like the bubonic plague and social networks like MySpace behave in similar ways. Both spread rapidly and then die out quickly.

The implication?

Based on the “adoption and abandonment dynamics” of social networks, the researchers predict that Facebook “will undergo a rapid decline in the coming years, losing 80% of its peak user base between 2015 and 2017.”