What Will Higher Interest Rates Mean For Financial Markets?

 | Nov 08, 2015 02:09AM ET

Friday’s employment report, rightly or wrongly, confirmed expectations for a December shift in Fed policy. There will be a parade of Fed speakers. We can expect daily discussion about the implications. The punditry will be asking:

What will higher rates mean for financial markets?

h3 Prior Theme Recap

In my last WTWA (two weeks ago) I predicted that the market story would focus on the FOMC and a possible change in policy. This was a good guess about the recurrent theme, although there have also been plenty of big earnings stories. To get the full story, let us look at Doug Short’s weekly chart . Doug’s full post discusses the muted effect of Friday’s strong payroll report. (With the ever-increasing effects from foreign markets, you should also add Doug’s World Markets Weekend Update to your reading list).