Using Gold To Gauge The Commodity Bear Market

 | May 19, 2013 07:34AM ET

We have written about the commodity market over the years, and have been generally bearish for quite some time. The typical commodity bull market lasts about 13 years, followed by about a 21 year bear market. This is the 34-year cycle. Commodity bull markets usually begin near the beginning of stock market Secular inflation/deflation cycles. Then end just before these cycles end. During the stock market Secular growth cycles commodities remain in a longer term bear market.

Some historical examples:

1929-1949 Secular deflationary cycle … commodity bull market 1933-1946.

1966-1982 Secular inflationary cycle … commodity bull market 1968-1980.

2000-2016? Secular deflationary cycle … commodity bull market 1999-2011.

In years past, the CRB index was used to determine the overall trend of commodities. In recent years this has been replaced by the world consumption oriented GTX index. Notice the bull market in the GTX started in 1999, but ended in 2008. Other sectors within this index--there are five--started/ended at different times. The barometer we use to determine the beginning/end of the commodity bull/bear markets is Gold.