U.S. Labor Market: Same Old, Same Old

 | Jun 07, 2013 02:21PM ET

If May is a tipping point that leads to nasty things for the business cycle, it’s not obvious in today’s payrolls report from the Labor Department. Although quite a lot of ink has been spilled in recent weeks about weak numbers from certain sectors in the economy, it appears to be business as usual with jobs creation. Slow growth, in short, continues to persist.

The private sector added a net 178,000 new jobs last month, or roughly in line with expectations. That’s still modest by historical standards, but at least it’s a slight improvement over the past two reports. The headline number that everyone focuses on, which includes government jobs, was only a touch lower, with total payrolls rising by 175,000.

Although analysts move heaven and earth for analyzing payrolls, the plain truth is that the broad trend has remained essentially unchanged through last month. Private payrolls advanced by 1.95% in the year through May, which is more or less what we’ve seen for months. The pace of late has been modestly slower compared with the first half of 2012, but you’d be hard pressed to make the case that rate of increase is deteriorating in any meaningful way.