Two Easy Moves To Protect And Grow Your Portfolio During A Market Panic

 | Feb 03, 2020 10:05AM ET

Contrary to what many investors believe about current market conditions, you don't have to let everything in your portfolio go to hell in a handbasket because of the coronavirus… or any other panic-inducing sound bite.

In fact, quite the opposite is true – and I'll show you why in a minute.

But it is a good time to make sure you have the right portfolio hedge in place.

To be clear, hedging isn't about betting the farm or placing all your eggs in one basket. What you want to do is to assemble a set of positions that will help take the sting out of any market correction while maintaining the profit potential that you know leads to big gains when the dust settles.

It doesn't matter how you hedge your portfolio – just that you DO it.

Today, I'll show you the simple, easy-to-make moves that can help protect AND grow your portfolio. Even if the selling continues…

Don't Get Caught Up in the Fear

Trying to keep up with the latest coronavirus news can give you one whopper of a headache.

Do yourself a favor and take a deep breath.

Not to make light of the situation, but big news like this comes and goes a lot more than you'd think.

What's changed is the speed at which it's reported.

The Spanish flu of 1918, for example, first surfaced in the spring of that year, but it didn't strike with a vengeance until fall. What's more, the pandemic was reported in waves, not all at once.

Yet, the markets charged on. Growth slowed, but it did not stop.

Many investors are surprised to learn that the Dow Jones Industrial Average sold off slightly but rallied into the summer of 1918 just prior to the second, more virulent flu breakout.

Then – and this is the important part – it began to rally in earnest, even as the third wave of mortality peaked.