Turnaround Rally In Heavy Rare Earths

 | Oct 14, 2012 03:05AM ET

The mixed action in the rare earth sector may be highlighting one company which has been outperforming and making significant progress. Suffice it to say that we hope to publish this update on the rare earths that will suggest to our subscribers the positive direction in which the sector is heading, especially as we witness the U.S. Department of Defense take a step in reestablishing American rare earth independence.

I wish good luck to those who were boasting their short trades in the rare earths and paper profits. This may rapidly be coming to an end as the heavy rare earth sector is about to reverse higher as Western Nations take a stand and develop their own supply of these critical materials crucial for our latest military technologies such as drones, stealth helicopters and guided smart missiles.

We expect a significant rally in this sector which being thinly traded might place the short sellers in peril as they attempt to exit their positions. Sufficient volume may not be there to give the naysayers enough exit room through which to leave the theater once the word fire is realized. We are witnessing global currency wars, trade wars and territorial disputes in the South China Seas. Tensions between China and Japan have increased over many issues but are extremely focussed on expanding their natural resources for which they are desperately looking around the world.

Gold Stock Trades expects a turnaround rally in this wildly oversold resource area, which is still relatively unknown by the public crowd. There are developments that may be reversing the 18 month basing process and indeed trap the disbelievers. Included in these possibilities is the bearish sentiment that the less advanced rare earth companies have inadequate cash reserves needed to proceed with development. This interpretation may have been advocated actively by the larger cap Molycorp (MCP) and Lynas (LYSCF) who is deficient in the heavy rare earths. This thesis did not take into consideration the distinction between heavy and light rare earths in coming to their conclusion.