Trump: Launching New And Improved Tax Reform Agenda

 | Aug 30, 2017 02:22AM ET

Today is the day that US President Donald Trump will launch his new and improved tax reform agenda. If successful, this will be the first major upgrade to the US tax code since 1986.

Just about everybody agrees that the code needs to be fixed but almost nobody can agree on how it should be done. Trump's way seems good enough if he can get it done. So far his powers of legislation have been less than impressive.

Trump's tax agenda has been the number one driver of market movements so far this year so today is a really big day. Oh, and there are other things affecting markets too, which we'll explore below.

Today's Highlights

Harvey and Kim Continue

It's May in Japan

$5 Billion Day!

Please note: All data, figures & graphs below are valid as of August 30th. All trading carries risk. Only risk capital you can afford to lose.

Market Overview

The driving factors that we mentioned yesterday are still very much at play. Hurricane Harvey has made another pass at Texas and Kim Jong Un has made another pass at Trump by hinting that he may soon be targeting the US Navel Base in Guam.

Yet somehow, magicians on Wall Street were able to turn their frowns upside down and pulled off a winning session. Asian stocks have followed suit and are currently up on the day. If Europe can keep the momentum going it will be a very pleasant surprise given all the sour news.

In this chart, we can see the major indices from around the world over the last two days. Dow Jones in white, China 50 in green, and Dax 30in blue.