Trading Pioneer, Suedzucker, Union Pacific: Is Down Trend Intact?

 | Jul 27, 2016 09:21AM ET

Pioneer (NYSE:PXD)

Pioneer Natural Resources is an independent exploration and production enterprise. The company researches, develops and produces oil and gas commodities in order to satisfy the global energy demand. In addition, the US group sells homogenous oil, liquefied natural gas and gas facilities.

Further activities include the acquisition of properties as well as the support of reserves in the administration, financing and management areas. This value, therefore, belongs to the gas and oil sector.

After the big uptrend was broken at approx. $160 in November 2014, over time a new downtrend has developed. After the break at $160, the price fell down to $127, to then draw directly back up to $181. Then, however, the market went back down to $105, which entailed a new correction zone between $127.31 and $181.97.

The value was able to work its way back up to about $171.88 by April, where it then showed us our DowHow signals. For several days now, it has appeared to be going into a new movement. The target is clearly located at the last point two at $105.81.