This Weird “Unicorn” Delivers 8.8% Dividends And Huge Gains

 | Mar 15, 2018 06:41AM ET

With earnings season in the rear-view and the end of the first quarter looming, you’re probably asking yourself one thing right now…

… just how good is the stock market?

I’ll give you the answer (which I think you’ll like) in a moment.

Then I’ll show you 2 funds whose portfolios are packed with familiar stocks, including Apple Inc (NASDAQ:AAPL). Both funds are poised for strong gains in 2018 while handing you fat cash payouts up to 8.8%!

Finding Bargains in a Surprising Place

First, if you’re like most folks, you might feel queasy about any stocks—including “reliable” blue chips—after the stomach-churning drops we suffered in February.

If so, let me put your mind at ease.

For one thing, keep in mind that the S&P 500 is up 2.1% for 2018—and if you annualized that growth, you’d see a 12% rise for the full year. I don’t know about you, but I’d happily take a 12% gain, given that stocks already rocketed 25% higher in 2017!

But not all sectors are sharing in the gains, and that’s, well, normal in a healthy market. This year, we’re seeing so-called “safer” sectors, like utilities and consumer staples, fall well off the pace, while their “risky” cousins, like tech, take flight.

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