These 7,643 Funds ALL Crush The Market, Here’s The 1 To Buy Now

 | Nov 15, 2018 05:52AM ET

If you’ve been told it’s impossible to outperform low-cost index funds because the market’s too efficient, you’ve been lied to.

The truth is, there many funds out there that have been beating the broader stock market for years. And here’s something really surprising: there are more funds pulling off this feat now than there have been in a long time!

In fact, across ETFs, mutual funds, and closed-end funds (CEFs) , there are 7,643 funds that have beaten the S&P 500’s 7.62% return over the past year.

So much for not beating the market!

Besides the fact that not choosing the low-fee passive fund will get you superior returns, you might be also be surprised by one other fact I just threw out there: a 7.62% return for stocks in general over the past year.

“But isn’t the stock market crashing?” you might say.

Well, not really; while we’re 6.7% off the market’s all-time high, reached a couple months ago, stocks have indeed gone up by that much over the last year:

A Totally Normal Year for Stocks