Still Time To Get Back Into Stocks (Just Not These 2)

 | Feb 24, 2017 06:17AM ET

It’s Friday in Wall Street Daily Nation. That means we’re pausing our regular commentary-based articles. Instead, we’re using charts to highlight some of the most important investment and economic news.

As you’ll see in a moment, if you caved to nonsensical financial advice to “buy the election and sell the inauguration” — you made a big mistake.

The “meaningful correction” that was supposed to begin immediately after President Trump was sworn into office didn’t materialize.

The good news? It might not be too late to profit from the Trump rally. Just choose wisely. I’ll share two stocks destined to keep struggling. Ditto for a whole herd of billion-dollar startups. Here’s why…

h2 Best. Earnings. Season. Ever?/h2

On February 1, I provided the two most critical metrics to track this earnings reporting season. If you completely forgot, the price performance of the S&P 500 index pretty much sums it up.

Since the beginning of the reporting season, the bellwether index is up more than 3%. That ranks as the best performance during earnings since the fourth quarter of 2014, according to Bespoke Investment Group.

What’s driving the rally? Companies delivering better-than-expected sales and earnings, of course. Most notably, the revenue “beat rate” currently stands at 57%.

That’s the best showing since — you guessed it — the fourth quarter of 2014.