The Ultimate Q: No Quantitative Easing In A Quadrillion

 | Mar 30, 2017 01:20AM ET

I for one can’t wait for a quadrillion. Nothing could so far both implicate economists as well as demonstrate the folly of following them like the potential for the Bank of Japan’s balance sheet to hit that mark. In the coming months, BoJ will be at the halfway point, though I doubt there will be any celebrations.

The central bank has promised to keep on going, stating in its last policy missive:

It will continue expanding the monetary base until the year-on-year rate of increase in the observed CPI (all items less fresh food) exceeds 2 percent and stays above the target in a stable manner.

Thus, with no reasonable basis to expect that to ever happen, given no correlation whatsoever between the so-called monetary base and the CPI, we could somewhat realistically expect to witness a single balance sheet into sixteen digits.

It’s an astounding thing to write, just as it is to try and comprehend. It wasn’t all that long ago that billions meant something, even in yen. Now they are as whatever is less than a rounding error. It is the ultimate debasement of our time, though not in the form it was always understood.

In many ways, the resulting global economy is the perfect opposite of all that, debasement the wrong way. If in 2007, or 1997 in the case of Japan, you were told that the Bank of Japan was to print half a quadrillion on its way to a full one, you likely would have envisioned something like the catastrophic end of Weimar Germany. That much was expected in some quarters when the Federal Reserve started QE in 2009, with a paltry sum by contrast of less than a single trillion.

Thus, we have arrived at the world of upside down, where the more “money printing” that is done the less likely anything once expected of it will occur; the economy doesn’t heat up in the burning of inflationary circumstances, but instead grows colder still further into the hell of inactivity.

A quadrillion will prove, as if half of one wasn’t enough, in nice round number fashion that they are and have been all wrong for a very long time. By “they” I mean, of course, economists and their lack of depth of knowledge about anything apart from mathematics.

In the late 1990’s, Paul Krugman (and others) asserted that what was missing from Japan, the very key to snapping that economy out of its “deflationary mindset”, was a credible promise to be irresponsible; the mother of all money printing operations, so to speak. The Japanese economy in the face of such stated fury would have no choice but to snap out of the doldrums and embrace inflation and therefore recovery at long last.

For policymakers, that was the lesson of the 1990’s around the rest of the world. If a central bank claimed a target, the market would immediately entertain that target without the central bank having to do anything. You don’t ever fight the Fed. What Krugman argued was that a similar ethos was needed in Japan, meaning that the Bank of Japan should prove beyond all doubt that its targets were the only thing that mattered; so much yen there was no other choice.

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What quadrillion will do is to inarguably fulfill that mandate. Who could argue that a single quadrillion is not irresponsible? It would actually be irresponsible to try to make the claim that it isn’t (though some are already trying at the level near half of one). The matter could be settled, and the ledger finally cleared of all this money printing nonsense.