The Two Most Important Questions For Investors

 | Feb 23, 2014 12:26AM ET

h2 Specific Answers Can Have Positive Impact On Net Worth

Weekends are a good time to address areas of vulnerability in your investment strategy. Many investors toss and turn at night worrying about wealth-destroying bear markets or opportunities they may miss for their uninvested cash, which is nature’s way of pointing out vulnerabilities. When testing your current approach to the markets, it is helpful to look at extreme outcomes. If you can handle the extremes, then you can handle almost anything in between. Therefore, this weekend ask yourself:

Do I have specific plans in place to handle these extreme investment cases?

  1. Case A: stocks rise an additional 91% over the next three years as they did during the final leg of the dot-com bubble (1997-2000).
  2. Case B: stocks drop over 50% as they did in the 2000-2002 and 2007-2009 bear markets.
h3 Where Are We Now?/h3

In this article, we will show the monetary importance of case A and case B, and evaluate the present day market in relation to both cases. We’ll wrap it up with a look at the most recent read of the fundamentals/geopolitical events and how all this impacts our current investment allocation.

h3 Longer Than Rational Analysis Would Suggest/h3

How could stocks possibly rise 91% between 2014 and 2016 with valuations already stretched? That is a rational question and one that was being asked in 1997. From a contingency planning perspective, it is best to always keep an open mind about upside and downside potential. The S&P 500’s recent breakout from a 13-year consolidation pattern, described here , is another reason to keep an open mind about hard-to-comprehend gains.