The Rhodes Report: February 27, 2013

 | Feb 27, 2013 09:00AM ET



The fundadmental backdrop is likely to be volatile: Italian elec- tions results will be tabulated tonight; U.S. “sequestration” starts on Friday; and we see Fed Chairman Bernanke in front of Congress this week. These will dominate the headlines in the short-term, but longer-term -- the euro-zone recession, the likely decline in corporate profitability and the Fed’s tapering of QE-4 will serve as headwinds.

The S&P 500 remains above the 160-wma long-term sup- port level at 1278; and the standard 200-dma support level at 1407. Col- lectively, with the breakout above the Sept-2012 highs at 1475 has run into major overhead resistance, and has found “rough sledding” over the past several days. This, coupled with our models rolling over suggest this is a topping process, but it is still too early to definitively confirm.