The Pound In The Balance

 | Aug 19, 2015 12:19PM ET

OK, I know that the British pound is not a market that most people follow. Still, at times it pays to remember:

Jay’s Trading Maxim #312: Opportunity is where you find it, not necessarily where you want it to be.

I wrote about this and since that time the pound (I'm using ETF Guggenheim CurrencyShares British pound Sterling (NYSE:FXB) instead of British pound futures simply based on the guess that 99% of the people who read this have never and will never trade pound futures) has mostly traded sideways. In the last several sessions the Pound has tried to breakout to the upside but has been unable to.

(Also, the Sept. 153 put that I highlighted at $1.80 is presently trading at $1.05 – illustrating the negative effects of time decay. Still, that trade can make money quickly if FXB sells off prior to September expiration)