The Perils Of Following A Hedge Fund Manager

 | Nov 08, 2015 04:55AM ET

We are all looking for that edge when investing or trading, that one little nugget of information that will over time transform our stake into that pot of gold. Sometimes that edge is provided by following the big money flows, and when a big money manager is taking a position either short or long we often want to ride his/her coattails, especially when they are so 'generous' to let us know. The notion that fund managers are much smarter than us and must have some sort of 'information' that says they get it right all the time. It's just so easy, right?

Some of the most successful hedge fund managers are winners for many reasons besides 'information' and many have made themselves and their clients wealthy because of their actions. Most of us are not in a position to be in these funds but if they are talking their book in the media then it should surely be okay to follow, right? Not necessarily. Some may have some great information and we in the public can choose to follow - or not. Yet, there are perils to following these managers, and recent examples of failure show us why it is better to do our own due diligence.