USD And Commodities Update: The Line(s) In The Sand

 | Apr 26, 2018 09:36AM ET

I would like to tell you what will happen next in the financial markets. No, seriously I really would. Unfortunately, my crystal ball is presently not functioning. In the interest of full disclosure I should mention that it never actually did work, unfortunately I stared into it for a long time before I figured that out. That was not a happy day. That revelation led me to establish:

Jay’s Trading Maxim #62: Predicting stuff is hard. Better to identify the current trend. If you can’t identify the current trend, better to take the day off.

As I have written about a lot lately (here and here) there are a lot of markets “at the crossroads.” So rather than wasting a lot of verbiage I’m going to save the 7,000 words and show 7 charts instead. As I alluded to above, I can’t tell you where all of the various financial markets are headed, but I can show you a pretty good way to find out.

Keep a close eye on the markets relative to their respective “line(s) in the sand”. Interpretation is fairly simple:

Price above red line = GOOD

Price below red line = BAD

All charts are Courtesy of ProfitSource by HUBB)