The Hawks Are Circling. How To Protect Your Portfolio

 | Apr 11, 2022 01:05AM ET

No, this week’s Market Outlook is not about the Atlanta Hawks who are hoping to get into the NBA playoffs by focusing on what they can control (and hoping what they can’t control, will go their way).

We’re talking about financial hawks that grew in number this week, and the game these hawks are playing will affect not only their net worth, but your net worth as well.

Let’s hope they have the right game plan.

Last week the stock market’s multi-week rally was rudely interrupted when a historically dovish Federal Reserve Board Governor, Lael Brainard, let the markets know that she’s moved to a more hawkish belief (see her confession below).

In reaction to this news, bonds (understandably) tanked across the whole curve, and the stock market’s sectors reacted with mixed results. Defensive sectors rallied and economically sensitive sectors fell leaving the indexes weaker but not broken.

The heart of the issue is that the economy is a hot mess. It’s experiencing both supply and demand shocks created by a pandemic and a war In Ukraine impacting economic growth and inflations around the world.

Consumer prices (especially food products) are rising at an alarming rate. This, along with a sharp rise in gasoline prices, are punishing the average American. See table below and the last several weeks of Market Outlook for the data on the punishing inflation conditions.