The Greatest Market Crash Of Your Lifetime May Be Coming

 | Mar 31, 2015 01:14AM ET

I have a hierarchy of four macroeconomic cycles that I’ve developed over the years.

I developed my first cycle in 1988, when my research culminated in the Generational spending wave , a very projectable demographic cycle spanning roughly 39 to 40 years that looks at how people spend as they age.

Since then, I’ve added a few more to my arsenal… besides the spending wave, there’s the 34- to 36-year Geopolitical Cycle, the 8- to 13-year Sunspot Cycle, and my newest, the 45-year Innovation Cycle, which together I use specifically for developed countries.

The spending wave remains at the top of my hierarchy. That’s because every generation sees a major boom and economic crisis, due in part to its own inevitable spending patterns.

But with the addition of other cycles, I’ve been able to more closely analyze major booms and busts of the past few generations.

When all four of my cycles were pointing up, we were in great periods of economic prosperity — like the tech boom in the late 1990s.

We’ve also seen some of the worst periods of economic turmoil when all four of my cycles were pointing down. Note the shaded gray areas below: