The Golem Is Alive - Success With New Launch

 | Apr 12, 2018 03:32AM ET

Good morning from Frankfurt. The City of Banks. Looking forward to nudging this old-fashioned city towards some much needed modern innovations.

Once again war is at the top of the global focus. President Donald J Trump is now preparing some sort of strike against Syria in response to their alleged blatant use of chemical warfare.

The civil war that has been ravaging the country and the world for the better part of the last decade is largely seen as a proxy war between larger players.

Trump's new sanctions against Russia were hard-hitting with the crude oil has spiked to a multi-year high.

The abrupt shift in US-Russia relations, the prospect of renewed sanctions on Iran, and a new US National Security Advisor who favors military action is certainly weighing on asset prices today.

Today's Highlights

Tightening the Belt

Australia Goes full Crypto

The Golem is Alive

Please note: All data, figures & graphs are valid as of April 12th. All trading carries risk. Only risk capital you can afford to lose.

Traditional Markets

In early February the stock markets saw a historic sell off. The Dow Jones for the first time lost more than 1000 points in a single day, and then it did it again.

Back then, there was little to no talk about any trade war with China and certainly no concerns about big data. The narrative of that sell-off was about incoming inflation and how the Fed may react.

The Fed chair story .