The Bright Side Of Rising Interest Rates

 | Sep 16, 2022 09:11AM ET

The dark side of rising interest rates is conspicuous near and far, but there’s also a bright side: higher yields, which are a byproduct of risk assets that take a beating in price, which in turn lifts trailing payout rates.

There are caveats, of course, including the elephant in the room: inflation. Earning a higher yield looks good on paper, but at a time of elevated inflation the resulting real (inflation-adjusted) yield may be a bust. That opens the possibility that a higher nominal yield may translate into a lower real yield.

For now, let’s focus on nominal payout rates to get a sense of how global assets stack up, based on a set of ETF proxies representing the major asset classes.  Not surprisingly, yields have popped since’s previous review in February 2022. In fact, all of the usual suspects are posting higher—in some cases substantially higher—payouts.

Leading the pack: inflation-protected government bonds ex-US (NYSE:WIP), which posts a 10% trailing 12-month yield, according to That’s more than the double its payout in February.