Tenet Healthcare Sells Hospital Unit To Streamline Business

 | Oct 11, 2017 11:05PM ET

Tenet Healthcare Corporation (NYSE:THC) announced the sale of its MacNeal Hospital and its associated operations to Loyola Medicine, an affiliate of Trinity Health.

The transaction is expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2018. It marks one of the many steps taken by the company to reorganize its business, which is suffering from a decline in admissions, inpatient and outpatient surgeries, emergency department visits and total outpatient visits, and high bad debt.

Last month, the company reshuffled its top brass in an effort to steer the company toward growth. The changes included the resignation of its CEO Trevor Fetter, effective Mar 15, 2018 or earlier when the company finds a suitable replacement. The company is also reviewing its board composition to sharpen management’s expertise in areas required for its long-term growth.

Tenet Healthcare posted loss in the last two quarters and missed earnings estimates in three quarters in a row prior to that. The company has also reduced its earnings guidance for 2017 after lackluster performance in first-half 2017.

In a year's time, the stock has lost 37.3% compared with the industry ’s decline of 13.3%.