Wheat Price Rises Significantly

 | Apr 20, 2016 09:31AM ET

Bad weather threats sowings

The wheat price rose significantly in the recent 2 days. Market participants worry the crops may suffer from the major flooding in the US state of Texas. The additional factor that pushed the prices up was the sizeable net shorts in wheat on US CBOT. Last week it reached the highest since 2006, according to the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Many investors rushed to close the shorts amid price increase on weather conditions. Will the wheat prices continue advancing?

According to the Commodity Weather Group, the overly rainy weather is observed not only in the US but also in Brazil and Argentina. It may affect wheat, soy and corn crops, which are also becoming dearer. Previously, South America suffered from droughts. The USDA assessed spring wheat acreage in 11.3mln acres, which may become the lowest since 1972. The update will be released on June 30. In April, USDA revised down the global wheat forecast by 1.06% to 733.1mln tons in the 2015/16 farming season, while the outlook for Brazil’s output was cut 8% to 5.54mln tons. The next global grain production forecast will be released by USDA on May 10.