Soybean Crops Expected To Reach 3885 Billion Bushels

 | Aug 06, 2015 09:01AM ET

Let us consider the continuous soybean CFD or SOYB. Market participants are concerned that the August 12th US Department of Agriculture (USDA) will cut soybean planting acreage and reserves forecast for the end of the season 2015/2016. In July, the administration expected the crops to reach 3885bln bushels with the yielding capacity making 46 bushels per acre. The INTL FCStone private company released a report saying that due to bad weather conditions the crops may decrease to 3797bln bushels, while yield capacity may fall to 45 bushels per acre. According to the Informa Economics agency, soy production will total 3789bln bushels.

Let us wait for the official data by USDA. We do not rule out soybean quotes growth. Besides, farmers also anticipate that corn crops will drop, but to a lesser extent.