Why You Should Embrace Inescapable Tech Stocks

 | May 26, 2017 06:22AM ET

If you’re a regular Wall Street Daily reader, you know the drill by now. So go ahead and scroll down.

For the newbies, here’s the deal. Each Friday I embrace the adage that “A picture is worth a thousand words.” And I select a handful of graphics that put the week’s investment news into perspective for you.

All it takes is a quick glance and you’ll be up to speed — and, more importantly, poised to profit. So let’s get to it…

h2 All Hail Trump Tech Stocks/h2

Think news about Donald Trump is unavoidable right now?

Well, that’s nothing compared with the attention tech stocks are getting right now…

Even Warren Buffett can’t resist the tech temptation.

The billionaire who’s famous for his pithy investment wisdom is almost equally well-known for his aversion to technology stocks. Yet he’s currently one of the biggest shareholders in the largest technology company in the world, Apple Inc (NASDAQ:AAPL).

Truth is, we’re all bigtech investors now. By choice or by circumstance. And that’s simply because tech companies dominate the S&P 500 index.