Tearing Up The Dollar

 | May 09, 2018 06:43AM ET

After yesterday's update, I do feel a This paper from the San Fransico Federal Reserve attempts to link the decline from December's peak to the introduction of bitcoin futures on Wall Street. They even go so far as to compare it to the financial crisis of 2008, when the introduction of new financial instruments allowing investors to short mortgage-backed securities was followed by a crash in the market.

In order to expand on this, I would like to point out that the housing bubble itself was the cause of the crash and not the CDOs that allowed investors to make speculative bets that it would fall. The ability to sell it short was simply a way of letting out some of the air.

Anyway, the housing market has since recovered and is now much stronger for the fact that the market has freer access to trade in both directions.

Today's Highlights

Trump Making Waves

Dollar Sweeping Up

Japan's Crypto Regs

Please note: All data, figures & graphs are valid as of May 9th. All trading carries risk. Only risk capital you can afford to lose.

Traditional Markets

He was said to be the president for the traders and so far Donald J Trump has not disappointed in bringing market volatility. Even though market participants were well prepared for the decision to exit the Iran deal, it didn't stop things from getting shaky when the announcement was made.

Here's the price of oil. The purple circle is when Trump spoke .