Surprising ADP Jobs Growth Pushes Dollar

 | Jan 06, 2016 10:50AM ET

An estimate that the most recent ADP payrolls would print at only 192,000 jobs was surprised by the real result of 257,000 jobs added to the economy in December, as compared with November’s 211,000. The positive results increase the expectation that forecasts for upcoming nonfarm payrolls will be adjusted upward, although the two are not highly correlated, and illustrate that the economy is handling the new interest rate heartily. Fears that newly introduced policy would immediately crash fundamental statistics seem to be unfounded amidst these and other results, which point toward sustained gains in jobs related metrics heading further into 2016. Soon, NFP results will be released as well in the United States, with current estimates of 200,000 jobs added for December and before any adjustment due to the excellent ADP report.