Sugar Investors: “Desperately Seeking…” Clarity And Objectivity

 | Jul 30, 2017 05:02AM ET

Over the last two years, sugar futures have crashed and spiked and crashed again — much like a diabetic without insulin.

After plummeting to an 8-year low in September 2015, sugar prices then doubled in a stunning rally to a 4-year high in September 2016, only to turn back down in a 40% sell-off to19-month lows in late June 2017, where they linger to this day.

For nimble investors and traders, these kinds of erratic price swings are what opportunities are made of — so long as they catch those moves before they occur and not after. It just so happens, we know someone who did just that.

Here, we turn the floor over to our chief commodities analyst Jeffrey Kennedy and his archived analysis of sugar since 2015.

The time: Mid-2015. Sugar prices are about as sweet as curdled milk, circling the drain of an 8-year low as the market is mired in a relentless bear market. Wrote an August 4, 2015 Wall Street Journal:

“The futures sugar market in New York behaves like an endless rerun of a horror movie.”

But, according to Jeffrey Kenney, this “horror movie” was about to enjoy a happy turn of events. In his July 2015 Monthly Commodity Junctures, Jeffrey outlined a very bullish scenario for sugar, including these details:

“I’ve noticed over the years that significant turning points tend to occur in years ending 0 and 5… as we move into 2015, I’m actually anticipating a significant low. I’m looking for prices to bottom this year.

“I believe we’re in the very late stages of the initial move down. Ideally, say as move into the fourth quarter of 2015, the [decline] will terminate ant that will give way to an advance where I expect sugar prices to actually double.

“Once we do finish this move down, I will be looking for a sizable move, something that will easily push prices back up to 18, 20, even as high as 22.”