Sterling Steady As Final Polls Suggest Conservative Win, Euro Awaits ECB

 | Jun 08, 2017 02:59AM ET

Sterling is steadily in range as the latest poll on the eve of today's election showed that the Conservative could get an increased majority. According to ICM, Conservatives got a 12 point lead over Labour, 46 to 34. ComRes suggested a 10 point lead with Conservatives at 44, Labour at 34. YouGov said Conservatives got 42 and Labour got 35, 7 point lead. Meanwhile, Survation results showed Conservative at 41.3, Labour at 40.4, a mere 0.9 point lead. YouGov Director Anthony Wells said that "the seven-point Conservative lead is the same as at the previous election, but we think it is likely they will nevertheless be returned with an increased majority." But there is one key factor that analysts pointed out. The turnout of young voters is uncertain and they typically support Labour.