Sterling Gilty As Charged

 | Jul 17, 2017 06:02AM ET

Sterling rallied ahead of tomorrows CPI data which will decide whether the Bank of England (BOE) breaks into a cold sweat or breathes a sigh of relief.

GBP raced skywards on Friday after US CPI disappointed at 1.6%y/y (against a consensus of 1.7%y/y) This was especially disappointing given a procession of Fed Governor’s had placed a lot of emphases on inflation with speeches from Fed Chair Yellen, Brainard, and Kaplan throughout last week, it was unsurprising to see a sharp reaction across markets. The USD sold off aggressively across the board with equities making new highs and bond yields falling. GBP also seemed to like the UK government officially acknowledged its financial obligations to the EU post-Brexit. The market thinks this will enable discussions to progress more constructively, with the second round of talks between Michel Barnier and David Davis scheduled to start today.

All this aside, judgement day for the BOE is almost certainly arriving tomorrow in the form of the U.K. CPI. Inflation has exploded higher in the U.K. following sterlings post-Brexit fall. To these wizened eyes its almost a stagflationary situation the BOE finds itself in at the moment with falling real wages (see chart below) and a rising CPI, expected at a mighty +2.90% tomorrow.