Staying On The Short Side

 | Sep 13, 2013 12:25AM ET

Greetings from my family room couch, where I am lying on my back, laptop propped up, typing away with a snoozing Kobe at my side. I’m quite weary, so I figured I’m do this post horizontally. See, I woke myself up at 2:45 this morning. I had no idea what on earth I was doing becoming conscious at that hour, but as is my habit, I grabbed my iPad, glanced at Kitco, and checked out gold. My stomach went into a knot when I saw it was down about $25.

As almost all of you know, my religion and warped personality compels me to short almost everything under the sun and avoid going long anything. However, the charts of GLD and GDX were compelling to me yesterday, and I bought them both. Indeed, even though they were only 2 positions, they represented about 14% of my portfolio. GLD all by itself was about 10% of my positions, even though there were 80 short positions (all of them obviously small) on the other side.

But with GLD and GDX clearly heading for a miserable open, and the ES barely down at all, I was facing a terrible situation: one in which my two long positions would kick me hard in the cajones and yet be aided hardly at all by my shorts. Indeed, given what has happened very day this month, I figured the ES would manage to surge deeply positive, resulting in a one-two punch of losing on both the long and short side of things. I didn’t go back to sleep at all. I even did a post around 3 in the morning.

So I had a lot of time to think, regret, agonize, and worry. I decided a couple of things. First, I decided I was going to get the holy hell out of my two long positions the moment the bell rang. Yes, I hated myself for going long (me, of all people), but there was no point in beating myself up for the next five years. I was going to get out and be done with it. And second, I was going to continue to judge my shorts on their own merits and try not to let the losses for precious metals poison my day.

We all know what happened to precious metals today. As I promised myself, I got the hell out. There was a little pop after the open, but as the day ground on, silver, gold, and miners all continued to get monkey-hammered, and I saved myself from an even nastier loss.